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幼い子どもだった時にムナは両親を亡くしました。保護者がいないため、”SOS Children’s Village”(孤児を保護する国際NPO)に連れてこられました。去年の震災後、ムナはSOS救助チームに参加し、ドゥリケルの被災者キャンプで1ヶ月間ボランティアをしました。


SOS Children’s Villageについてはこちらをご覧ください(英語)

E-meet Muna Karki, a 17 years old girl from Sharadabata VDC of Kavrepalanchok district in Nepal.

Muna wants to become either a Doctor or a social worker but she hasn’t made her mind yet. She knows her passion is to work for rural communities and especially with children who go through difficulties.

As a young kid, Muna lost both her parents. Since she had no guardian, she was brought to “SOS Children’s Village” (an int’l NPO caring for orphans). After the earthquake last year, she joined the SOS relief team and volunteered in an earthquake-victim camp at Dhulikhel. The team provided both medical and food relief to earthquake survivors.

Muna is full of energy and enthusiasm and has participated in various social activities. She loves drawing and painting, and also playing volleyball and basketball.

“I am looking forward to meet the Japanese youth.”

For more information about SOS Children’s Village 
