

[English Follows] 熊本地震から1年ほどが経過した4月16日、熊本国際交流会館でこの一年の外国人コミュニティやその関係者による復興の取組みを振り返る催しが開催され、JISPも出席させていただきました。


※ 協力団体のIsraAIDがこの寄付ページを立ち上げています。(英語)

JISP members participated in a meeting held at the Kumamoto International Center to reflect on the recovery process of the foreign residents in Kumamoto.

Held on April 16, roughly a year after the Kumamoto earthquake, the meeting touched upon the following themes: the necessity of passing on disaster-experience, long-term mental care, and the dissemination strategy of accurate, easy-to-understand disaster-information.

JISP members presented the “Training Program on Community Leadership in Disaster Situations for the Foreign Residents”, scheduled to begin this May.

Designed by our specialists in disaster education, the program aims to develop leadership skills in disaster situations as well as in everyday life. The 5 session training program tackles diverse topics: disaster reduction, the psychological impact of disasters, tools for mental-care and daily risks.

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