JISPは、南スーダンやその周辺国の難民が居住するカロベエイ新居住サイト(ケニア トゥルカナ郡)で、子どもにやさしい空間「チャイルド・リソース・センター(CRC)」を運営しています。
English translation follows

JISP has been operating a child friendly space “Child Resource Center (CRC)” in Kalobeyei Settlement (Turkana County, Kenya) for the refugee children from South Sudan and and its surrounding countries.
Since founded in March 2018, we have been working on building capacity of the facilitators who are the care providers of the children, improving the environment of the facility and raising awareness of the beneficiary communities.
In the current phase, we are conducting mentoring of CRC Committee (organization made of the parents/guardians of CRC user children) and a CBO (a Catholic church established by refugees), and training of additional care providers from the refugee community.
In mid February, 48 residents from refugee community participated a 5 days training The participants plan to start supporting children at CRC as volunteers upon completing an 8 days on-the-job training.
On the 27 &28 Feb, we welcomed a monitoring team of 4 members from the donor organization, Japan Platform. The team conducted monitoring of our activities, as well as interviews with our beneficiaries and various stakeholders.
Last week, our CRC was visited by as many as 320 children per afternoon!
JISP is committed to continuing this initiative to build capacity of the refugee community to continue providing a safe space for children.
※This project is funded by the Japan Platform, and being implemented by JISP and our local partner organization IsraAID Kenya.