

[English Follows]

 御船町学童保育所 夏休みサポートボランティアに参加してくださった、国際武道大学体育学科学生の今野涼太さんによるレポートです。


 御船町学童保育所 夏休みサポートボランティアにご参加いただいた他の方のレポートも追って掲載していきます。

[Kumamoto Volunteer Dispatch]

Imano Ryota, a student at the International Budo University shares his impressions after volunteering with JISP at a nursery school in Mifune Town, Kumamoto, who was heavily hit by several earthquakes last April.

“The kids have an amazing energy and I had a very active experience thanks to them. While they can’t play outside anymore due to the impact of the disaster, and living in temporary houses must be tough, they seem to be in good mood. I felt the warmth and kindness of the kids and their care-takers as they received us with such an open mind…I will try to figure out what can be my role, and build up a relationship with the kids ! “

More posts from the students experience in Mifune town Nursery School will follow.

#InternationalBudoUniversity #Kumamoto

